Saturday, November 20, 2004

After a 2 day journey by slowboat i have finally arrived in Louang Phrabang, the cultural, royal and spiritual capital of Laos, Vientiene being the official capital. The journey here although long is very beautiful. Watching mountains pass by as you slowly miander down the Mekong is hardly a chore, the only issue being a on board toilet that would challenge even the most lateral thinking contortionist. A overnight stop in what has to be the strangest place ive been yet allowed some needed sleep, along with on opportunity to sample the national beer 'BeerLao', supposedly the best in South East Asia. It certainly felt like it.

Despite having a few issues convincing someone to take us to Louang Phrabang we finally re-boarded a different boat to complete the journey. The only chance for a leg stretch being a cave overlooking the Laos landscape which is used to store unwanted Buddha, quite creepy.

So how's Laos. Well. Its beautiful and very different to Thailand. In Louang Phrabang at least there is still a slight feel from the french colonial days, and the people her lovely, if not a little 'too' laid back. Sometimes doing the simplest of tasks can be quite a struggle, but to be fair this is largely down to the money situation - which is as follows.

You can pay in Baht, Dollars or Kip (Laos). Which ever you use you will always get your change in a different currency, this is the first problem. Another major issue is the value of the Kip. It has been so devalued due to the political history of this country that a Laos coffee now cost about 9,000 Kip, anywhere between 9 and 18 paper bills, for a coffee. Obviously the situation is quite ridicules as vast bundles of bills are required to pay for anything. Although this makes you feel rich it is worth considering that 10,000 kip is about $1.

I'm off to do a bit of exploring. And to buy a bigger wallet.


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