Tuesday, January 04, 2005

It was bound to happen at some point - Ive arrived in Byron Bay, and as lovely as it looks, there isnt a single bed anywhere in town. This means im facing a night under the stars on its local stretch of beach. Whats worse is that bus bookings are made 24hrs in advance and so it may possibly be 2 nights of making sand castles before i can move on. Apparently if i wanted to stay here during Dec or Jan i should have booked some time in October. Something I wasn't aware due to the fact that i don't walk round with a copy of the "Lonely Planet Guide Book" glued to my face.

Although there is no law preventing you from staying on the beach for as long as you like, it is illegal to actually sleep there. My current list of prepared excuses should the wardens show is as follows.

"I wasn't asleep, im meditating, and now you've screwed it up"

"Im not asleep, Im moon bathing, could you pass the moon cream?"

"ZZzzzz... " (and refuse to wake up)

Im off to book a bus out of here and to quite literally - make my bed.


At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rob,

Glad to hear you're OK and seem to be having a great time. Want to think of something witty and interesting to say but as i'm in work my wit and interest is gone so I'll just say hi and wish you all the best with your travels. Can't wait to hear all the stories...i'm sure there will be plenty!!

All the best for the New Year,

Love Rach and Rich xx


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